Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why SFML and Asteroids Clone

Hello, my name is Catrina and I'm going to blog about my experience learning SFML here. I'm trying to learn SFML (Simple Fast Media Library, a media library for C++) so I can start programming games. Over the summer I tried learning Python and Pygame, but got side tracked so I didn't get very far. I decided to switch over to SFML and C++ because I have taken a C++ intro course and am also taking a C++ Data Structures course. With Python/Pygame, I had to teach myself both as I went along which wasn't going well for me.

So this isn't my first time trying SFML, I attempted to use it back when I was taking my C++ intro course, but decided it was too advanced for me at the time. So after a few weeks into my Data Structures course I decided to try and learn SFML again. This went much better than last time. The first time I tried learning SFML, I was treating the SFML tutorials like a step - by - step guide on how to make a game or application, following each one in sequential order. This time I realized they were more like guidelines of what you could do in SFML, so I jumped around to the different tutorials I needed at the time, and was able to start the beginning of my first SFML project, an Asteroids clone.

After a couple of weeks (and many headaches mostly from installing SFML), I have a SFML application that creates a window with a black background, and loads a sprite, the ship, that can rotate and move forward. Unfortunately, I'm now stuck. I was recently taught about classes and how to use them in my C++ class, but we haven't gone over including multiple header files or including guards or header guards. The answer to my problems is probably found here : , but I have yet to read that through.

Hopefully, by my next post I will have working bullets and have figured out the header and include problems.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey it was really nice reading your blog, can i ask if you completed your vc++ sfml asteroid game?, if yes can i have the source code?

