Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bullet drawing is a go!

Thanks to the very helpful people at the SFML-dev.org forum, I was able to draw bullets! Someone at the forum suggested that I use vectors instead of using arrays for my bullets. At first, I was like O.O. In my mind vectors = some sort of math and graphing = very hard to understand. As skeptical as I was, I am DETERMINED to finish this project, so I googled vectors. Turns out it's like an array, but it also has a lot of useful functions. Unfortunately I only looked up what vectors and it's function, push_back(), where so I don't understand them very well yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Here's a pic of what my project looks like right now. Yes those white lines are the "bullets", I haven't been able to make them move yet, hopefully by my next post! I've also decided to make a to do list at the end of every post, so when I start working on my project tomorrow I don't waste time thinking about what needs to be done.

To do next:
  • Make bullets move
  • Detect collision with the barriers of the window
  • Plan out the "asteroids"

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