Monday, July 25, 2011

Posting executable and source code

Hi everyone,

I abandoned this blog in January of this year, due to being too busy with school and roller derby to work on side projects like this one, but some comments have asked for source code to help them learn SFML. I usually learn a lot by looking at other examples and source code too, so I'll work on posting that, and the executable since the link i posted in my last post expired.

I did not finish this game either, unfortunately, but since revisiting this blog, I'm hoping to start another project, either picking up SFML again or learning a java game library. If anyone has any suggestions on a good java library to learn, leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Stick with it mate, it is well worth it! You should definately give it another try. Finished projects are worth their weight in gold.

    Just the thoughts of another budding game developer and computer scientist :p

    Hit me up at if you need any help with SFML/C++.
